Saturday, August 14, 2010

Poor me:(

This is going to be a crazy,bitchy,whoa-is-me kinda post. Just warning you!! You know,I don't really consider myself a lazy person. But lately,I have had my work cut out for me. I have a horrible back and neck problem-you know,degenerative disc disease,herniated and bulging discs,arthritis,just to drop a couple of things. I absolutely hate that a have indeed become a couch potato. I know this is not fair to my hubby,my 3 kids,or myself,but there's not really much you can do when you wake up in pain,I'm talking pain,almost every single day. I know life is what you make it,but damn if I don't wanna do a damn thing lately. I get epidural steroid injections that usually work,atleast for a few months at a time. But not this time! Nope! I had one yesterday and I had to end up in the frickin ER for 6 hours. I was in pain,headache,nausea,dizziness,fever. Had to get a MRI,nothing wrong there. Had to get a frickin lumbar puncture to rule out menengitis. That came back clear. With my white blood cells super high,they knew something was wrong,so 2 bags of saline,a bag of Rocephin,2 different nausea meds,and 2 shots of Morphine later,I got to go home. Now,still feeling like crapola,I would love to know---when the hell can I have my life back???? This sucks the big one! So,poor me today. I had some venting to do. I do not like to be the person I have been the last month or two,but unless a miracle happens overnight,boring Kelly it is. I cannot wait for the day I can play in the pool out back with my kids for the afternoon,or goto the beach for the day and be able to run around,or take the kids to Busch Gardens or Dino World and actually have fun,instead of checking the time so I can go home and take some meds to feel better!! So,that's it. I will talk to my doctor and see what my other options are,but I do the best I can,and that's good enough for me:)

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